Policy Blog 005: Higher Education Management Series

Illustration from www.portal.battelleforkids.org

Policy Name: Progress Measurement Policy

1       Background Information: 

Teaching and learning are the two basic principles in the educational system. Regardless of the academic level, it always involve the teacher, who serves as a guide and a facilitator, and the student, who is considered the learner. The subject being taught is a prerequisite, not only for testing deportment, but also for promotion purposes. It actually doesn’t end there. The final stage will always involve measurement and evaluation. In the academic field, there are many forms or ways  to gauge how effective is the teaching strategy  and how much did the students learn from the given lessons. Mentors use the process of computation with respective components and percentages for every subject taught. The final grade then is given to the students after a specific period of time. The highest is 100% and the lowest is 75%. In the tertiary level of education, at least two or three numbers represent the grades and is separated by a decimal. Anything below the standard is considered a failing or an incomplete grade. This is commonly the problem that college students encounter after every semester. Failing in a minor or a major subject means taking and enrolling the subject again. It would also mean demotion since a student cannot proceed to the much higher subject without passing the prerequisite subject. In this situation, a student can become irregular and will be left behind by his classmates; unless, it will be offered to cater other courses by the next semester and will be available or permissible by the college or university  for cross enrolment. This is but very rare to happen since the office of the Academic Affairs sees to it that every prerequisite subject is offered within the specific semester only, following the correct order in the course prospectus. If you are not lucky enough, then you have to wait by the  next summer, or worst, by the first semester of the next academic year. This is something serious to think about specially for academic scholars and student grantees, whose education depends on the financial assistance of charitable non-government organizations or government agencies granting scholarships to qualified and deserving students.

2       Policy Purpose

The following are the aims of this policy:

1.      Set a standard in the academic performance of college students, particularly those who benefit from educational scholarship and grants from non-government organizations and government agencies implementing the said scheme.
2.      Constantly monitor and evaluate the character and the  attitude of the student grantees or beneficiaries in order to reach the end of attaining a satisfactory rating in all of his enrolled subjects.
3.      Setting the minds of the student grantees to its level of awareness that the only way to constantly receive such academic benefits is to get a good grade;otherwise, accept the possibility of disqualification and removal from the roster of scholars or grantees.
4.      Revisit the academic status of each student every semester or school year to see if the objectives of the educational grants are met accordingly.
5.      Determine the academic loads of the students in order to classify the time frame for the scholarship grant.
6.      Utilize the grades of the student grantees as reference to the release of funds for the said scholarship grant.
7.      Scrutinize the documents of student transferees who express by their own will the continuation of the said scholarship grant.
8.      Implement the same policies and procedures to those students who wish to shift to another university program.
9.      Determine other financial obligations and set another standard computation of tuition fees for those students currently enrolled in two major university programs.
10.   Follow the same steps and procedures to candidates or applicants who wish to pursue a continuing education.
11.   Communicate by correspondence the eligibility status of  the scholars or the student grantees.
12.  Work closely with the university’s administration, faculty and staff in order to reach the objectives of the scholarship program.

 3       Policy Scope

This policy shall therefore apply to all students enrolled in different academic programs of the university who have met the initial requirements of the scholarship grant extended by both government and  non-government charitable organizations.


 4       Definition and Terms

prerequisite - required beforehand.

deportment - the conduct or obedience of a learner in school, as graded by the teacher.

measurement - a system of measures based on a particular standard.

evaluation - an act or instance of  general appraisal.

gauge - to appraise, estimate or judge.

scrutinize -  to examine in detail with careful or critical attention.

correspondence - communication by exchange of letters.



5       Policy Principles

a.       This policy believes in a Supreme Being who is the source of knowledge of all mankind.
b.      Gives high regard to human intelligence and its capacity for economic, political and social transformation.
c.       Considers education as a means of achieving your goals in life.
d.      Believes that failure is just a test and there is still a chance to  mend mistakes.
e.       A systematic approach in solving a problem is not to discuss it but to look for ways to solve it.
f.        Careful planning will lead a student or a learner to the direction where he wants to be.
g.       Tracing the root of every problem will always give you the exact answers to your doubts and questions.
h.      Communicating a problem at an  earlier stage will benefit every student  and will likely produce  good  solutions .
i.         The best teacher is always our experience.
j.         There is no such thing as impossible to those who dare to do their very best.
k.       Corrections from our teachers and from other adults will not hurt us. Instead, they improve us.
l.         Measurement and evaluation is normally done not only to test the instructional competence of mentors but also to gauge how much have the students learned in different competencies.
m.    Educational institutions provide not only academic learning but also service learning.

6       Policy Review

For the benefit of  the school, the administration, the faculty and staff  and the students, the following questions should be asked  in order that the actions of measuring and evaluating be justified:

       Why do we evaluate?
       When is evaluation done?
       What types of tests are prepared?
       Do all the test follow correct construction standards?
       In what manner are the tests prepared?
       Are the guidelines clear before the administration of the tests?
       Does the test measure the specific needs of learners? or their general aptitude?
       Does the test address the individual needs of learners?



7       Further Assistance

In order for this policy to be effective, the assigned test constructors should closely coordinate with their respective academic coordinators, department heads, deans of colleges and the Vice-President for Academic Affairs . It is also best that a prior psychological test be administered by guidance counsellors with minimal supervision from their guidance head in order to help in the interpretation of its validity and reliability.

8    Appendix 1 - Appendix 1: Name

Insert the Appendix 1: There are no further details in this policy since everything has been explained carefully and extensively.


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