Management Blog 004 (A Summary)


The first important point that was mentioned in this article is the stability of the ground where the building is to be erected. Construction experts reveal that there are a lot of factors to be considered when choosing the kind of area where the building is to be erected. The basic requirement of preliminary site survey, soil sampling, researching the history of the construction site, conducting regular ocular inspection and the idea of retaining what nature can give to enhance the façade of the edifice were all given equal importance in the discussion.
Secondly, it was revealed in the succeeding paragraphs that even though how stable or strong is the area for construction, there are still instances of accidents and injuries during regular working hours. The contractor or the company handling the workers and the employees have taken steps in training all their manpower, but it was emphasized that there are still unforeseen circumstances and unrecognized hazards taking place from time to time. It was believed that an Act of God is something inevitable and people working on the construction should always be extra careful in their movements and actions.
The next topic discussed and explained are the environmental concerns pertaining to the construction project. The importance of retaining the physical beauty of the surrounding and what nature can bring as benefits were all clearly laid down in details. It was further suggested that since humans take something from nature, we should be able to give back by adding or planting flowers and trees to areas that were excavated and a portion of the land modified by heavy equipments. In the process, this article was able to determine the benefits of not uprooting trees and other ornamental plants, since it can give a lot of comfort and beauty to the building tenants and occupants.
Then another concern addressed by this article are the basic facilities that the building should have, including the services for safe drinking water, electricity, communication lines like telephones and Internet connections. It came clear to us that without these essential needs, working comfortably and effectively is almost next to impossible.
Moreover, it was learned that the storage of bulk construction materials should be considered as one of the priorities in order to avoid work related accidents and mishaps. Theft and or other related cases of fraud in any form was given attention by suggesting that a property custodian or a supply officer should look into daily inventory and monitoring of materials so that there will be no delay in the daily routine of all construction activities.
Furthermore, it was elaborated in this article that the company or the contractor should always make sure that the safety of all their workers and as well as the materials and equipments they use is of the top priority. They have to know how to handle people and machineries coming in and out of the construction site by following a traffic scheme, in order to pave the way for smooth operations. The use of surrounding roads or streets should and must be done with a special permit in order not to disrupt people and vehicles outside the construction site.
Lastly, the presence of threat or danger within the surrounding areas of the construction site was also given a solution. The company must communicate with all establishments and try to know if there are health or fire hazards. To serve as a precautionary measure, it was strictly imposed that employees should be wearing safety and proper working suits and boots in order to save lives.

In any undertaking, safety and precautionary measures are a must. It is because life is such a precious thing to protect and preserve. The success of any endeavor not only depends on how an undertaking was done successfully but also on how the management strategies were able to stop or minimize casualties in the workplace. Humans are the best resources and they should be the one given priority in terms of  avoiding work related accidents.
The building might be standing as a proof of labor but no matter what takes place, it doesn’t have feelings or thoughts to convey. It’s the people who have these faculties of feeling physical, psychological and emotional pain when major accidents happen because of ignorance and negligence. This article have laid down all the possible details on how to do the work successfully and on how the welfare of those who are behind it are safeguarded and protected.
History has taught us of buildings collapsing unexpectedly because of human error and terrorism. People were wounded and in need of immediate medical attention while others gasp for air in order to survive. Explosions, gas and other chemical poisoning were also a scene that broke the heart of the immediate family and those who are also watching the terrifying experience.
Let these images remind us that a simple company policy may be harsh or strict for others who don’t comprehend the possible consequences but it’s the only way to protect and preserve life. We only have one and we should take good care of it.

This article entitled Evaluating the Essential Health and Safety Requirements for Better Site Layout Design and Organization was supplemented by citations and references using the Harvard Referencing Style.
In text citations were carefully chosen from authors and experts in order to fit in the ideas of the writer. Online journals were first cited under references, followed by construction reports from the American Society of Civil Engineers  and other construction firms.
Lastly, sources of online e-books and books available for actual purchase were given in correct details in order to guide the readers where and how to purchase it.
This is a plagiarism free article and the writer is certain that majority of the words used in this article are his ideas and not copied from somewhere else.


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