Mediterranean Diet: Everything You Need to Know

Randello M. Braga


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This book will primarily focus on two keywords: sustenance and survival. Aside from the air that we breathe and the gifts of Nature endowed to us by our Almighty, there is a need for us to eat. Food intake is primarily a basic need in order for us to have the strength and energy to sustain whatever it is that we perform on a regular basis. It is indeed necessary to follow the principle of eating three square meals for us to survive.
The question now is: How healthy is the food we are taking in? The answer goes back to one of our keywords which are understood as the ability to maintain whatever is considered to be beneficial or good for the body. Nevertheless, survival will not be possible if ------ instead of properly nourishing your body, the diet you are following may be slowly “killing” you ------ unknowingly.
The title itself suggests that whether we like it or not, we should and must follow the eating habits from the grassroots level if we want to live a longer life. Diet-conscious personalities take and cook whatever is available within their reach. The backyard garden or the greenhouse has a lot to offer. One should remember that fruits and vegetables that are free from herbicides or pesticides are better eaten fresh and is considerably flavorful. One can take a bite without the worries of poisoning or contamination. Natural foods assure us of better living and a healthy lifestyle.
Contrary to this fact, consumers are always enticed or tempted to regularly purchasing goods from the supermarket even if they are not certain what it will give them in the future. An intelligent consumer knows exactly what he needs and not from the context of what he wants. The main purpose of this discussion will educate the readers not to focus on what is instant or easy to buy but on the idea of thinking as twice as much, the beneficial effects that they can get out from what they put into their mouths.
Moreover, there is no one to protect our health except for ourselves. No matter how much information we get from health advocates, we usually are the ones making major decisions in our lives. If we refuse to open our ears and close our hearts to the realities and complexities of a healthy life, there is no one to blame except for ourselves. This may sound a lengthy lecture to you but please do not allow your decisions in life to impair your heart. You have only one and you should take good care of it, because if you don’t, “someone” (i.e. the cardiologist) else will.

There are a lot of objectives why the Mediterranean diet is recommended by credible government and non-government organizations all throughout the world. Primarily, it seeks to take good care of the human heart. This lifeline organ, as we are all aware, is mainly responsible for pumping blood into our brain and to the rest of our vital organs in the body.
But, how do we connect this scientific information to the concerns of proper food intake and good health? The basic rationale behind this campaign is to create a foregoing awareness that most of the food that we eat or consume contains extremely high, undesirable fats ------ not to mention, food preservatives which are the culprits in bringing in several chronic illnesses including certain common carcinomas.
Let’s put a situational example right in front of us. The regular consumption of red meat and the frequent or shall we say occasional drinking of branded colas or sodas. An individual following this diet will likely be accumulating bad cholesterol and an extra amount of “magic” sugar in his body throughout the years of his precious life.
Cholesterol that is accumulated will probably increase in volume and in number as the individual continues to follow his usual unhealthy diet. The former now will eventually impede or block the usual normal flow of blood from the arteries and the veins to the specific significant destinations in our body, making it almost impossible to make our organs function properly. The absence of air and blood in our brain may lead to cerebral thrombosis or in simple terms could be described as a major burst of an artery in one of either the cerebrum or cerebellum complex.
The above-mentioned scenario may either impair or paralyze a patient like a vegetable and in a worst-case scenario, may lead to his fatal death. Similarly, the abnormal flow of blood could initiate or trigger high blood pressure, partial or total stroke and cardiac arrest.
Furthermore, carcinogens like aspartame, currently a major ingredient in almost all kinds of low sugar soft drinks, ( as manufacturers and distributors claim), contains high amounts of artificial sweeteners which could cause cancer if not taken in moderation.
Given this sad reality, the so-called Mediterranean diet, on the other hand, counteracts all possible diseases to attack our body and offers a lot of life-changing opportunities to modify our eating habits.
A concrete example would be the eating of lean white meat aside from the usual red meat and drinking small amounts of red wine after meals. If lean white meat is eaten minus the skin, it will give our body the daily recommended amount of necessary protein intake plus the essential vitamins and minerals which are, of course, low in saturated animal fats, thereby ensuring us of a healthy diet ------ without even depriving ourselves of eating meat.
Also, add to your sumptuous meal that specially made fermented juice extracted from several varieties of grapes and you will be assured of a healthy alcohol intake. And of course, a happy liver, ready to digest and take on anything because it is protected by antioxidants, ready to fight toxins from entering into your system and avoiding liver cirrhosis from coming in.

The eating of fruits and vegetables has become a credible institution in itself. Why? Because our great grandfathers have made it to a life of a thousand years without a single sign of a deadly illness or disease. The lessons we had from our forefathers will serve as a living witness that we too, could emulate what they had started and had propagated.
Through the years, since time immemorial, the diet composed mainly of fruits and vegetables has become a part of every culture and tradition. No wonder why people in the old ages have reached far beyond the age of reason and consciousness because of the Mediterranean diet. As living proof or evidence, there were notably no signs of chronic illnesses among them nor they were diagnosed with fatal or deadly diseases. From a higher perspective, only old age has become the cause of passing away.
On the other hand, as modernization becomes inevitable, the pattern of food intake has changed a lot over the years. Since people from all walks of life are now engrossed with what they do, individuals or families no longer have the time or chance to cook or prepare their food for themselves right at the heart of their very own kitchen, instead, they prefer buying their food from fast food chains or get what they want to nibble over the counter.
The usual diet on fruits and veggies has been greatly forgotten, replaced or overtaken by instant food like french fries, deep fried in edible oil, a burger with large patties of pork or beef flavor, sausages, bacon and spaghetti usually cooked and mixed with unhealthy processed red meats.
The above-mentioned diet patterns or options are instantly available, anytime and anywhere today, especially within the hustle and bustle of metropolis life. Unknowingly, people who patronize such fast foods will experience either a gradual or fast increase in body weight, which if not minimized or stopped could lead to being overweight or obese.
Without proper and regular exercise, the calorie intake of most individuals is stored in the body as extra or surplus fat. Thus, if accumulated in excessive amounts, will be more difficult to release or burn, making it a contributory factor to stroke or heart attack.
Another problem with obesity is the inability to move or excrete one's bowel. Unlike vegetables and fruits, any kind or form of meat takes a lot of time to digest depending on the individual’s metabolism. The condition may make the person weak or immobile because literally, waste should be thrown out of the body, not kept or stored.
This is where the Mediterranean diet takes the scene again. Since fruits and vegetables have high fiber content, you are assured or guaranteed that there are no side effects, even when eaten in excessive amounts. The more vegetables you consume, the more fiber will be absorbed by your body, thereby preventing or even relieving constipation.
Gone are the days when you spend long hours in the restroom, trying to push it out, but only to see blood in your excrement. This painful ordeal even creates a tear, giving the individual a prickly feeling on the inner and outer areas of the anus which could cause anal fissure or even cancer.
On the other hand, fruits, especially coming from the citrus family can also help in preventing such deadly diseases because it has natural ascorbic acid or vitamin C that aids in the development and repair of tissues in all parts of the body. Given these benefits, one should ponder whether to eat food with high dietary fiber and antioxidants or suffer the consequences of having lifelong diseases. Your decision tells you exactly what you are eating today and who will you be in the future.

In the previous chapter, it was emphasized and explained that following a Mediterranean diet prevents the multiplication of free radicals in the body, giving us not only a healthy skin but also a healthy body. This chapter further goes deeper into other available resources in order to help you decide on the next meal that you are going to take.
Earlier, the detailed comparison between red meat and the white lean meat was elaborated. By this time, you should have realized and decided to take the next important step in adjusting or even totally changing your traditional eating preference.
Another highlight or significant item in this book is the inclusion of cereals, legumes, fish, nuts, and seeds on your dining table. You are already assured of a healthy body and a happy life once you religiously and sincerely follow important instructions just like what to eat in moderation and what not to take in excess.
One conscious eater should always take into consideration that some cereals do contain additives which are not good for the body. It is highly recommended that we should consider the benefits of eating whole-grain cereals. The nutrients in this specific kind of cereal give health reinforcements to back up numerous and significant functions of the body.
The consumption of cereals gives our body the chance to absorb light nutrients but with heavy nutrition impact. This is specifically beneficial to those who are just planning or starting to lose weight. Moreover, it is a low fat and low sugar diet, thus, preventing the onset of hypertension and several types of diabetes.
In addition, another important part of this book puts a little attention to the consumption of legumes that grow on pods. Even though they are claimed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, other nutritionists and health experts opposed the idea because of several reasons. For a more detailed information on this issue, please spare time to browse Make a detailed comparison and decide on what to believe or not.
Moving forward, another relevant feature of the Mediterranean diet is the consumption of fish, including the beneficial oils that come with it. While many fear or doubt the idea of eating fish as a healthy option because of water contaminants or pollutants, majority still stick to the idea that it is very rich in Omega 3, a very important fatty acid that helps in the critical functions of the brain and its development among children, minimize the dangers of heart problems and the risks of heart disease, cancers and osteoarthritis.
Much to our surprise, fish that are classified as fatty is the most healthy ones. Surprising, isn’t it? It is also known that fish contains iodine, an essential trace mineral that helps us in three beneficial ways: First, it turns our digested food easily so that we may get the needed amount of energy for the day. Then, it assists the thyroid to do its job in a manner that is normal and acceptable so that our body will produce thyroid hormones, and lastly, it reduces the possibilities of having thyroid cancer and toxic goiter.
In concluding this chapter, a very important information needs to be shared. Vitamin D, a nutrient that majority of the people lack in their nutrition, works as an agent of steroid hormone, can only be taken or absorbed from eating fish.

Revisiting what has been said in the previous chapters of this book, one can recall that part of the Mediterranean diet are essential oils and fatty acids. One may raise a brow at the idea of hearing the terms such as monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oils. To shed light on this matter, these can all be acquired from using olive oil or rapeseed oil in cooking, particularly in frying our food. Other sources are canola, peanut and avocado oils.
How do these oils explain the Mediterranean diet? It tells us exactly that instead of using animal saturated fats like the one found in butter or lard, we have all the means and the opportunities to minimize the production and accumulation of unwanted cholesterols in our blood and reduce the risk of certain cancers. The only dilemma in using these oils is that they are all sensitive to heat. So once they are used for frying, you cannot reuse them again because their effectiveness is already hindered by damage caused by heat. Meaning, they are not as beneficial as before compared to when they are still stored or unused.
It is good to know that despite this imperfection, we can all be assured of a healthy mind and body because it not only helps in protecting people with depression but also enhances our appearance and personality by being a good source of Vitamin E which in turn protects us from free radicals that are emitted by a polluted environment.
Considering all the information, it is almost impossible that while going through all the pages in this book, you have not made up your mind to change on what would be better for you and your family. It is assumed that based on the subtitle mentioned in this last chapter, you have already obtained the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet even if you have not taken the first step yet.
The start or beginning of a new chapter in our lives is usually difficult and challenging but when you are already equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge along the way, it will be a lot easier for you to start on a journey. The journey of going back to the traditional and healthy way of eating food.
There will be, of course, temptations along the way, but when you want something so badly, you will do everything to get it. You will start by plotting and planting your garden or farm with a staple that is based on plants. Then out from these blessings, you will use either traditional or modern technology to extract natural oils for your family’s consumption.
Next step is building a greenhouse with all the herbs and spices that you can plant so that once in a while, you will never again touch the rock salt in your very own kitchen or attempt to flavor your food with processed food enhancers. And finally, you celebrate your success by butchering one of your fattest fowl, with a glass of red wine from your very own fermentation laboratory. All are but dreams and aspirations, a product of your own imagination that will soon be realized using your creative hands, and someday soon, you will see your spouse and children living and growing up healthy with you by their side saying: ”This is indeed Mediterranean!”

The most precious gift we ever received is this life. We owe everything to God, our Creator and Redeemer. Apart from our physical being which was created according to His image, we were given the mental and emotional faculties. The purpose of doing such is not only to separate us from other creatures or animals but also to allow us to make important decisions in life.
One of the most important decisions to make is on how we are going to live this life on earth. Living would mean sustaining and surviving despite trials and difficulties that come to our path. No matter how big or smaller the problem is, we don’t forget to nourish ourselves with all the food that we can get, whether it’s natural or man-made.
With time rolling down our sleeves, we embrace all forms of change. Change in our eating habits, too. We show a lot more of interest to what is easy to prepare and what will satisfy our taste buds. Unknowingly, the food we are patronizing no longer is in line with what is natural or traditional.
There is already an obvious neglect of natural and healthy food intake which had resulted in almost all forms of chronic diseases. It’s a wake-up call now to change the usual habit that we were once enjoying and now are giving us the pain and misery of getting sick and hospitalized. When are we going to start mending our ways of eating?
Are we to wait for the time when we lay down on our deathbeds, crying, wailing and asking for help? This is not the kind of life that we longed for but eventually, we asked for it, and now our body is asking for the credit that we once asked or desired. Who else is to blame but ourselves and only ourselves alone.
This is now our chance to go back and redeem ourselves from the bondage of sickness. It’s not too late or even bad to try nourishing ourselves with what is within our reach. Why spend a lot of money on artificial food when we know we will spend more than that when we get sick? Isn’t it ironic people? Are we even thinking of the consequences of our actions?
There are a lot of questions asked that are also left unanswered. It’s only us who can solve the problem. We are the ones who created such health problems and we are also the ultimate solution. Let’s get out from our shells of doubt and confusion on what is really healthy and lasting. It’s just right in front of us, waiting to be recognized and given importance.
If your health is important to you, then do not wait for others to tell you. Start within the bounds of your abode and later, spread the good news brought about by the Mediterranean diet in your life. Share it and if possible, become an advocate of healthy living so that others may emulate from your good examples.

This e-book entitled: “Mediterranean Diet: Everything You Need to Know” is a detailed and a  comprehensive reading material for those who are aiming to live more happily and experience the good health with the beauty and bounty of the earth.
It was carefully crafted and written using vital information from an extensive research based on the prevalent health and medical issues around the world. It’s also a step by step account of giving information from simple to complex medical discoveries and studies.
A reference that will also change your lives. A book worth your time and your effort in rewarding yourself the good life that you always deserve.
Pages on this book will surely put a smile on every person suffering from a chronic disease and eventually will spark hope for a new life and a new beginning.


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